You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
-- The Buddha
Life in the cold rice fields (in the 40's every night) has settled down. I garden, which means water everything. I am labeled an eccentric by the locals, as I collect odd things. To make an archway over the gate for the bouganvilla I was seen dragging home 50 foot long dead bamboos. I then trimmed the verge on the street in front as grass had grown over half the street sending traffic nearly into our driveway. Found a scorpion the other day. About 6 inch long monster. Unfortunately he was dead.
Since he was in perfect condition and recently deceased I gave him to the ants to clean. When they have unstuffed him I will make some sort of decoration with the remains. He serves as a reminder to check in my boots and other dark corners before inserting body parts. All in all, I am beginning to think the cobras and those electric green rice field vipers are the most benign of the hazards hereabouts. It is odd there are no black widows here. They are found in SE Asia I believe but I have never seen any evidence. Some obnoxious Aussie recently lauded their 'red back' spiders as being much more blah blah blah than the widow. Amazing how down under and midwest amerika are so similar. I told the genius latrodectus is latrodectus. Unfortunately the species has four syllables so he failed to grasp. Darn brain fart.