Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.
-- The Buddha
January is darned cold. The night of the 13th it got down into the high 30's. Try that in an unheated unheatable house. The first week of February it begins to warm up. In a one week period many of the trees shed most of their leaves. There is very little turning 'fall' colors. Just FLUMP and all the leaves are on the ground. By the third week of Feb all the leaves are gone. It also has heated up to the 70's at night and mid 80's during the day. The really tropical trees like the bombacacea have shed their leaves in December and are in full flower
March is the beginning of summer. By mid march the trees are in full flower.
April is midsummer. Getting very hot and dry. Everything is brown. It gets up to 100 during the day and 80 at night.
May is summer but the rains start. With the first rains the trees go nuts and turn green in a period of about 2 weeks. From November to the end of April is rains less than 5 inches.
June is an extension of summer. The rains are less and it gets up to 110 during the day and near 90 at night.
July is the start of serious rain and the occasional monsoon. Everything begins to turn green. Without rain for 2-3 days it is about the same temperatures as June, but during and 1 to 2 days after the rain it is 100 during the day, 85 at night.
August is serious rain. Without rain it ranges near 100 during the day, 85-90 at night. With rain it is in the high 90's during the day, mid 80's at night.
September it has less steady rain but heavier showers. The entire country is a million shades of green. With the rains it gets down to the high 70's at night, near 90 during the day.
October is cooler and the rains become sporadic heavy thunderstorms. After a rain it can get into the 60's at night and 80's during the day.
November. During the first week the rains shut off completely. It drops to the 50's at night, low 70's during the day.
December. No rain. High 40's at night, mid 70's during the day.