The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.
-- The Buddha
Around here we have a version of the wolf spider which has evolved obnoxious into epic proportions. First, it is huge, often taken for a bird eater. Second, it roams and becomes sociable, and third, holy shitte! what was that thing zooming past/over my face? it is fast. You get one in your room every minute or two you will see it shooting across the floor in it's efforts to escape. It groups it's legs in a directly front-back orientation. Subsequently a full grown adult is about 6 to 10 inches long. Very difficult to ignore. Add to that the knowledge of close examination which revealed fangs a good 1/8th inch long and being in the room with one can become nerve wracking. I need to get a picture.
While the giant geckos in the attic are enjoying a feast of abundant rat babies, enough is enough. Time to de-rat this place. From the romping and stomping we hear at night we must have close to 100 pounds of rats upstairs.