Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two.
-- The Buddha
June. This month is something like spring in the US. The rains came pretty steady in May and the weather went from smolder to lightly bake. This month, for some odd reasons known only to the Himalayan uplift, the weather turns dryer and come July, the rainy begins in earnest.
The gardens and fields are loaded with flowers. A zillion different bird calls from raucous noise to symphony. The tooky tooky birds are driving the other birds nuts. They have perfected the coo of the doves combining it with rooster crows. This sounds very bizarre. With the flowers have come an amazing assortment of butterflies. Also several shiploads of other insects. The termites have been performing aerial sex en mass and the locals gather under the street lights in the evening to collect them for munchies. They taste exactly like termites by the way.
After each late afternoon shower we get fireflies. They are very. Very very. Electric green brilliant flashes much brighter than an LED. Sometimes, when agitated or excited like when Yunee brought one into the bathroom to show me they go off in yellow or orange. And then there are assorted. Rabbits friends and relations. Beetles from tiny and obnoxious to great big blunderers that come flying in in the evenings with the express purpose of seeing how much noise they can make when they pile into things. The geckos are in heaven of course as are the Micro Miniature House Tigers (MMHT's), our motley crew of huntsman jumping spiders. We have a good lot of those guys and gals. Having introduced Yunee to natural hysteria and critters, barring cobras and scorpions (check boots every morning before wearing) are most welcome. The bonus of MMHT's is their favorite yummies are other baby spiders so the house remains relatively spider minimal. Some of the MMHT's are pretty ordinary but of late we have been host of some that appears to have been composed of opals. Black until they get in the sun and then a deep irredescent blue with little sparkles of every opalencent color in the rainbow.